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Java script for change the element properties and find element by id and class

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Ruby on rails partial add more link

 Once the partial load  it 'll change the file field id as count
 and set the ratio button propertie as disabled and id is chaged

Because of empty file not as profile picture

After file field change the radio button as also enabled

<script type="text/javascript">
    var count = 1;
                                var id_array = ["0"];
                                var current_element = document.getElementById("file_field");
                                var current_radio_element = document.getElementById("profile_image_profile");
                                var element_array = document.getElementsByClassName("after_load");
                                if (element_array.length != 0) {
                                    for (var i = 0; i < element_array.length; i++) {
                           = Math.max.apply( Math, id_array ) + 1 ;
                           = (Math.max.apply( Math, id_array ) + 1)+ "_radio" ;
                           = count;
                           = count + "_radio";
                                current_radio_element.disabled = "true";
                                function sortNumber(a, b)
                                    return a - b;
            function radio_property(filefield) // set radio button value and enable
                var radio_element = document.getElementById( + "_radio");
                radio_element.value = filefield.value;
                radio_element.disabled = "";


var current_element = document.getElementById("file_field"); // in this line  the file field element is find by the  getElementById function...

var element_array = document.getElementsByClassName("after_load");
// find the element using class name

Math.max.apply( Math, id_array )
//Math function going to find maximum value in numeric array...

//SetAttiribute function set the class name as "after_load" for the current_element..

current_radio_element.disabled = "true";
//disable the radio button

function sortNumber(a, b)
                                    return a - b;
//This function used to sort the array....

radio_element.value = filefield.value;
// radio button value is change when the file field is onchange...
with file field content...

Enabled Radio button with file field value

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