Thoughts of mine

I write some of my Ideas, Issues I faced in the development and writing skill improvement articles about my personal activities.

What to improve #1

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It for me only, not for anyone.
There are some habits I need to improve myself.

These are all found by myself about me. 

Confident level, maybe in future will get more. now I have one to write. 

Point One, I feel my confident level is in medium because I'm not good in English, I should improve that some way. I am trying to improve my communication by reading grammar, news, books and videos.Now it's better than a year back. Still I need hard work.

Point two, Time management would be the biggest mistake. I should schedule to manage my time. Because I am wasting lots of time in a day without doing anything, watching social media. Definitely  I need to follow my time schedule, only preparing time schedule will not going to improve my productivity. 

Will add more points, when I got in my mind. Don't forget to add comments, what you have im your mind.

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