Thoughts of mine

I write some of my Ideas, Issues I faced in the development and writing skill improvement articles about my personal activities.


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As of now Elephant is the biggest living creatures I saw, I don't see anything bigger than the Elephant. From the WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and other media videos the adepts of Elephant is very interesting.

They are drawing like us.

Elephants are adept tool users.

They are playing.

They are more helping into then.

This video is really awesome. and sometimes they are more interactive with us

Elephants showing altruism towards other species,

They are great swimmers.
Every temple in Kerala having at least one elephant own. Also, lots of the people are adopting elephant as their pet in Kerala. In some of the Tamil Nadu temples also having an elephant in own but not like Kerala.Their Feet are suitably adapted to such a lifestyle.Their brains weigh 5kg.And their eye site is clear up to 30 feats.

altruism : willingness, adept: skill

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