Thoughts of mine

I write some of my Ideas, Issues I faced in the development and writing skill improvement articles about my personal activities.

Stay where you work

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Stay where you work, means not in the office. Somewhere near to the office.  In my case, I had stayed very far from the office. I had no plan to move.

I stayed nearly 40 km far from my office. It is really heavy traffic city. I was killed nearly three to four hours Every day for travelling to the office. For five working days 20 hours. This is one full day of my week. I would have studied, or spending time with family or sleeping. I trust sleeping will increase my productivity by refreshing my mind and body.

It not only spending time, a considerable percentage of my monthly earning spend only on travelling to the office.

After had considered the above point. I moved near to my office. After moving to near to office I found a good amount of time to spend with my family. Less time in travelling even zero spending. It is an expensive house. But still, I spend lesser than the travelling money. Not only the money also saves my energy.  

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